Friday, June 7, 2013

Altitude Term in Math

Introduction about altitude term in math:

            Altitude or height term is defined based on the context in which it is used. As a general definition, the term altitude is a distance measurement, usually in the vertical or "up" direction, between a reference datum and a point or object. In this article we shall discus about altitude term based problems.


The total space inside the triangle is called as area of that triangle.

Formula to find Area:
Area of right angle triangle (A) =1/2 (length x height) square unit

                                               = 1/2 l x h square unit.

                        Here, the term height refers the altitude of the triangle.

Example problem:

A right angle triangle has length 5cm and altitude 13 cm. Find the area of that triangle.


            Length (l) =5cm

            Altitude (h) =13cm


Area of triangle = 1/2 (l x h) square unit.

                           = 1/2 (5 x 13)

                           = 1/2 (65)



Area of triangle = 32.5 cm2

A right angle triangle has length 7.5m and height 10 m. Find the area of that triangle.


            Length (l) =7.5m

            Altitude (h) =10m


Area of triangle = 1/2 (l x h) square unit.

                           = 1/2 (7.5 x 10)

                           = 1/2 (75)



Area of triangle = 37.5 cm2


The altitude of rhombus is the distance between base and opposite side of the base.


Area of the rhombus (A) = b x a

 b – Base of rhombus.
 a – altitude of rhombus                                  

If two diagonal lengths are given:

Area of the rhombus (A) = (d1 x d2)/2

Example problems:

1.      The altitude and base of rhombus are 11 cm and 6cm respectively. Find are of rhombus.


Altitude of rhombus (a) = 11 cm
Base of rhombus (b) = 6 cm

Area of the rhombus (A) = b x a square units.

     = 11 x 6

     = 66

      Area of the rhombus (A) = 66 cm2

2.      The altitude and base of rhombus are 14 cm and 10cm respectively. Find are of rhombus.



   Altitude of rhombus (a) = 14 cm

   Base of rhombus (b) = 10 cm

  Area of the rhombus (A) = b x a square units.

   = 14 x 10

   = 140

  Area of the rhombus (A) = 140 cm2

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Grid Table Math

Grid Table Math:-

Grid table is also multiplication table is used for finding the product of two numbers.

The following is grid table for first 12 numbers.



Math Examples on multiplication grid chart:-

Math Example:- 1

To find the product of 1 and 1 look at 1 in the first row and 1 in the first column.Draw  vertical and horizontal lines respectively as shown in the figure.

multiplication grid chart

The point at which the vertical and horizontal line intersects is the needed result.The product of 1 and 1 is 1.

Math Example:- 2

To find the product of  2 and 3 take 3 in the row and 2 in the column.Draw  vertical and horizontal lines respectively as shown in the figure.
multiplication grid chart

The point at which the vertical and horizontal line intersects is the needed result.The product of 2 and 3 is 6.

Math Example:- 3

To find the product of  6 and 5 take 5  in the row and 6 in the column.Draw  vertical and horizontal lines respectively as shown in the figure.

multiplication grid chart

The point at which the vertical and horizontal line intersects is the needed result.The product of 6 and 5 is 30.

Math Problems on Grid Chart:-

Math Problem 1:-

Find the product of  2 and 10 using the grid table shown above.


The given two numbers are 2 and 10 we need to find the product of these two numbers.

To find the product from the grid table shown above take 2 in the row and 10 in the column make horizontal and vertical line from 2 and 10 the point at which they meet is the result for the question.

multiplication grid chart

The vertical and horizontal lines meet at 20 so the answer for the given question is 20

Math Problem 2:-

Find the product of  3 and 9 using the grid table shown above.


The given two numbers are 3 and 9 we need to find the product of these two numbers.

To find the product from the grid table shown above take 3 in the row and 9 in the column make horizontal and vertical line from 3 and 9 the point at which they meet is the result for the question.

multiplication grid chart math

The vertical and horizontal lines meet at 27 so the answer for the given question is 27

Monday, June 3, 2013

Function Chart for Math

Introduction to function chart for math

A chart is a graphical representation of the data, in which the data is represented by symbols, such as bars in a bar chart, lines in a line chart, or slices in a pie chart". A chart can be representing the tabular numeric data, functions or some kinds of qualitative structures.

Image Shack

Function chart for math Examples

Function chart for math Example 1:

Function chart for F(x) = x3 Plug in numbers for x and find values for y,

Substitute x=-2,-1, 0,1,2,3

F(x) = x3

Substitute x=-2

F(x) =-23

F(x) =-8

The ordered pair is (-2,-8)

Substitute x=-1

F(x) =-13

F(x) =-1

The ordered pair is (-1,-1)

Substitute x=0

F(x) =-03

F(x) =0

The ordered pair is (0,0)

Substitute x=1

F(x) =13

F(x) =1

The ordered pair is (1,1)

Substitute x=2

F(x) =23

F(x) =8

The ordered pair is (2,8)

Substitute x=3

F(x) =33

F(x) =27

The ordered pair is (3,27)

As we have done with the table below.

x    -2    -1    0    1    2    3
f(x)         -1    0    1    8    27

Math Function chart

Image Shack

Function chart for math Example 2:

Function chart for F(x) = x2 Plug in numbers for x and find values for y,

Substitute x=-2,-1, 0,1,2,3

F(x) = x2

Substitute x=-2

F(x) =-22

F(x) =4

The ordered pair is (-2,4)

Substitute x=-1

F(x) =-12

F(x) =1

The ordered pair is (-1,1)

Substitute x=0

F(x) =-02

F(x) =0

The ordered pair is (0,0)

Substitute x=1

F(x) =12

F(x) =1

The ordered pair is (1,1)

Substitute x=2

F(x) =22

F(x) =4

The ordered pair is (2,4)

Substitute x=3

F(x) =32

F(x) =9

The ordered pair is (3,9)

As we have done with the table below.

x    -2    -1    0    1    2    3
f(x)    4    1    0    1    4    9

Math Function chart

Image Shack

Function chart for math Example 3:

Function chart for F(x) = 6*x2 Plug in numbers for x and find values for y,

Substitute x=-2,-1, 0,1,2,3

F(x) =6* x2

Substitute x=-2

F(x) =6*-22

F(x) =24

The ordered pair is (-2,24)

Substitute x=-1

F(x) =6*-12

F(x) =6*1

The ordered pair is (-1,6)

Substitute x=0

F(x) =6*02

F(x) =0

The ordered pair is (0,0)

Substitute x=1

F(x) =6*12

F(x) =6

The ordered pair is (1,6)

Substitute x=2

F(x) =6*22

F(x) =24

The ordered pair is (2,24)

Substitute x=3

F(x) =6*32

F(x) =54

The ordered pair is (3,54)

As we have done with the table below.

x    -2    -1    0    1    2    3
f(x)    24    6    0    6    24    54

Math Function chart

Image Shack