How to convert fractions to decimals with calculator ?
In this article, let us learn what is fraction and what is decimal and how to convert fractions to decimals using calculator.
Fractions: Let us divide a circle into four parts and take a part away and ask yourself a question,"How many parts are taken away from the whole ?" It is one part from 4. we could represent this as 1/4. So, fraction is a number composed of two parts say top part which is called as numerator and the bottom part is called as denominator.So, numerator gives the required part whereas denominator part gives the number of parts in the whole.
Example: `(15)/(17)`
Decimals: Decimals are numbers which has a dot which we say it as decimal point.
Example: 0.234, 67.45
Convert Fractions to Decimal( Relation)
We could observe that 0.5 is in 1/10th position. It means that 0.5 = 5/10
We could observe 9 in 0.59 is in 1/100th position. It means that 0.59 = 59/100
We could observe 1 in 0.591 is in 1/1000th position. It means that 0.591= 591/1000
If any fraction has the denominator has 10, 100, 1000or any multiples of 10 then the fraction is called as decimal fraction.
Convert Fractions to Decimal( Examples)
Consider a fraction `(1)/(4)`
Let us see how to convert the above fraction to decimal using calculator.
Choose a number such that the number when multiplied with denominator becomes a number which is a multiple of 10.So, i am choosing the number 25 since 25 x 4 = 100
Multiply the number 25 with the numerator and denomiantor.
So, 1 x 25 = 25 and 4 x 25 = 100
1/4 = 25/100
Since 100 has two zeros keep decimal point after counting 2 numbers from the right.
So, 25/100 = 0.25
In some case, we could not make the denominator as multiples of 10. For eample, 2/3. We could not find a number such that when denominator multiplied by the number gives denominator as multiples of 10.But 3 x 333 = 999
Since 999 is nearest to 1000, multiply the numerator and denomiantor with 333. So,
2/3 = 2 x333 / 3 x 333 = 666/999 = 0.666 (approximately)
Otherwise, to convert fractions to decimals with calculator, enter the numerator in the calculator and press the division sign and then the denominator. The resulting number in the calculator is the decimal.