The number system started with the natural number system .Now we have huge numbers
being represented. They can be either positive or negative. They can be fractions. They can
be rational or irrational. The natural numbers start with 1 and extend up to infinity. One
million is also natural number. One million is nothing but 10 lakhs. It is the number of zeros
that follow ‘1’ that is important. The number of zeros decides the value of the number.
In ten lakhs, we have six zeros. In ten we have one zero. In hundred two zeros, thousand
three zeros, ten thousand four zeros, lakh five zeros and finally in ten lakhs six zeros. So,
the number of zeros is very important. Now we will try to write 1 million in numbers to
understand this. It comes after the number 999999 in the natural number system. It is also
the number which comes before the number 1000001 in the natural number system. So,
we now understand how to write 1 million after coming to know its position in the natural
number system. Expressing million in numbers is quite easy and counting up to a million can
be a difficult task.
In the modern era we use the term a million rather than saying ten lakhs or thousand
thousands to represent the same number. Using this term has become very easy. So, we
need to know how to write 1 million in numbers as this term is very commonly used. The
word million is derived is one of the most beautiful languages in the world, Greek. This
shows how to write one million in numbers and can be clearer if we understand it to be just
a number on the natural number system number line.
Just studying a million is not enough we need to study its multiples too. If we do that
we can be clearer with the concepts. So, how to write millions in numbers if there are
numbers greater than a million. We now come to the concept of a billion. In a billion there
are nine zeros. One is followed by nine zeros to form a billion. This shows that there are
1000 millions in a billion. A billion is also known as a milliard. The natural number system
further increases to trillion, quadrillion and so on. A trillion consists of a one followed by 12
zeros.These are very large numbers.