Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Areas of Combinations of Plane Figures

Areas of Combinations of plane figure:

Areas of Combinations of plane figure is the process of calculating the areas of different combinations of figures. these types of figures  We come across in our daily life and also in the form of various interesting designs.

Flower beds, drain covers, window designs, We come across, designs   on th etable covers, are some of such examples.We illustrate the  process of calculating  areas of these  figures through some examples.

The following   examples are combined with some plane figures.

Areas of Combinations of Plane Figure Problems:


Two circular flower beds have been shown on two sides of  a square lawn ABCD  of side  50m.If the center of each circular flower bed is the point of intersection O of the diagonals of the square lawn, find the sum of the areas of the lawn and the flower beds.



Area of  the square lawn ABCD = 50 x 50 m2  --------------------- (1)

Let   OA = OB = x metres

So            x2 + x2 = 502

Or             2x2 = 50 x  50

X2  = 25 x 50                                        -----------------------(2)

Now ,

Area of sector OAB  = `(90)/(360)` *`Pi` *x2

=`(1)/(4)` * `Pi` i*x2

= `(1)/(4)`  x `(22)/(7)` x 25 x 50m2     [from (2)] ------(3)

Also, area of  `Delta` OAD = `(1)/(4)` * 50 * 50 m2  (<AOB=90)------(4)

So, area of flower bed                 AB = (`(1)/(4)`* `(22)/(7)`*25*50 – `(1)/(4)`*50*50)m2   [from (3) and (4)]

= `(1)/(4)`*25*50(`(22)/(7)` -2)m2

=`(1)/(4)`*25*50* `(8)/(7)` m2   ----------------(5)

Similarly area of the other flower bed

= `(1)/(4)` * 25 * 50 * `(8)/(7)` m2    -------------------------(6)


Total area  =(50*50 + `(1)/(4)` *25*50* `(8)/(7)` +`(1)/(4)`*25*50*`(8)/(7)`)m2    [from (1),(5) and (6)]


=25*50* `(18)/(7)` m2

=  3214. 29 m2

Areas of Combinations of Plane Figure Example 2:

Example 2:

Find the area of the shaded region in the following figure , where ABCD is a square of a side  10 cm.



Area of square ABCD

= 10 * 10 cm2

= 100 cm2

Diameter of each circle    = `(10)/(2)`cm=5cm

So, radius of each circle      =(5)/(2) cm


=`(22)/(7)` *`(5)/(2)` * `(5)/(2)`cm2

=`(550)/(28)` cm2

Therefore area of the four circles = 4* `(550)/(28)`cm2 =  78.57Cm2

Hence area of the shaded region = (100-78.57)cm2= 21.43Cm2

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